E-cigarette use among teens has steadily been increasing over the years, partially due to the fact that marketing & advertising in the e-cigarette industry targets youth. With fun and fruity flavors, flashy designs, and eye-catching display cases on shelves, underage customers are drawn to the appeal of vaping and are more likely to make a purchase.

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As a business owner, you already know that if you’re caught selling to minors, you can face expensive fines or even the risk of being shutdown. California has already taken steps towards further preventing sales of e-cigarettes and vaping products to minors.

A new bill (AB1639) authored by Assemblyman Adam Gray, (D) Merced, California, would require a person engaged in retail of tobacco products to use age verification software or an age verification device to establish the age of a tobacco purchaser, regardless of age. The bill also requires an increase in frequency of sting operations to ensure buyers are at least 21; increase in fines and penalties to stores that sell to underage buyers; manufacturers are prohibited in advertising, promoting, or packaging that is attractive to persons under 21 years of age.

agevisor touch stationary id scanner with data on screen

AgeVisor Touch age icons on ID Scanner Display

TokenWorks offers an age verification device designed specifically for convenience stores: AgeVisor Touch. It can be mounted and locked down on a counter or wall, features an easy-to-use touch screen and user interface, and quickly scans IDs with a color-coded display to immediately know if a customer is of legal age or not to purchase tobacco or alcohol products.

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