The AgeVisor 2, our retail age verification scanner, supports state IDs from all 50 states, 13 Canadian provinces and territories, international passports, and even captures black and white images of scanned documents. Better ID Scanning, Better Business For...
A Colorado-based cannabis dispensary chain was shocked by the number of fake IDs uncovered in a trial-run of a forensic ID scanner in one of the stores. “We had always assumed there were some fake IDs, but had no idea how prevalent it was”, said the chain owner who...
Find, Lock, and/or Erase All Data on Your IDVisor Smart, Smart V2, or Smart Plus Worried about possibly losing your ID scanner or someone stealing it? Want to be able to find out exactly where it is and have the ability to erase all its content or lock it for...
Deployed nationwide, utilizes document library with over 25,000 forms of ID Labeled as Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) units, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has adopted new ID scanners to be used at their security checkpoints in an...
Here at TokenWorks, we are often asked about the issue of ID Scanners, privacy, and the personal information that is being read from driver licenses and ID cards. Is the scanned data being used for purposes other than verifying a person’s age? Is the data being...
Take Surveys, Orders, or Investigate Accidents with Card Scanner and Android phone. Quickly create databases with Android Database App Memento and paired with IDWedgeBT quickly autofill contact information and Capture Drivers License Fields – name, address,...
We get this question often, what is the differences between the IDVisor 310 and the IDVisor Touch ID Scanner? They both run basically the same software, with some minor differences caused by hardware and base operating system differences. We developed our software...
Database synchronization utility for Idvisor Touch A desktop synchronization is available for the IDVisor Touch which synchronizes the databases across multiple IDVisor Touch ID Scanners. This is a free windows desktop utility uses the USB port to update customer...
We are proud to introduce our latest product, the IDWedge BT. It pairs with iOS, Android and Windows Mobile devices as a bluetooth keyboard sending drivers license data directly into the active application. No software development required. Works with any existing...
Mobile ID Scanner for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile Devices Building on the success of the IDWedge® drivers license scanner, TokenWorks® is introducing IDWedge BT where BT stands for BlueTooth. IDWedge BT is designed for the mobile device market with a built in...
ID Scanner for iPhone TokenWorks is announcing its first ID Scanner for the iPhone, iPad and iPod. This is the first in a series of ID Scanners for mobile devices. The scanner incorporates our drivers license parsing software, battery and Bluetooth interface. It...
ID Scanner Check List After looking at some of the other ID Scanners from our competitors, we think its a good time to point out some features to look for when purchasing an Advanced ID Scanner. We will break ID Scanners into two categories. A basic ID Scanner...