
Here are organizations we are associated with


We support regulatory best practices in ADA and EMV with our support of the Kiosk Industry Group and the Kiosk Association (KMA). The KMA works directly with the U.S. Access Board and is a participating organization with PCI SSC.

The Kiosk Manufacturer Association or KMA is a global organization focused on documenting and improving self-service for customers and employees through kiosks and information technology (IT).  One of their aims is to encourage a level playing field for self-service provider and the customers so that standards compliance is clearly addressed.


Representing nearly 2,000 member-businesses and tens-of-thousands of cannabis professionals, NCIA is leading the charge to protect the legal cannabis industry, defend our state laws, and advance federal policy reforms. Successful businesses are joining NCIA every day to become stronger, smarter, and more prosperous by working together to end prohibition and expand opportunities within the legal cannabis industry.  

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